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Hales, A. H., Wicks, S. G., Wood, N. R., & Mohammadi, S. (2024). Phubbing responses in real-time: rapid recovery from a single phub and declining affect with repeated phubs. Social Influence, 19(1).

Wicks, S. G., Hales, A. H., & Hennes, E. P. (2023). Does disseminating (mis)information restore social connection during a global pandemic? Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12825.

Wood, N. R., Leckfor, C. M., Wicks, S. G., & Hales, A. H. (2023). Ghosting from the workplace: The impact of feedback (or lack thereof) on applicants’ psychological needs satisfaction. Routledge Open Research, 2(3), 3.

Book Chapter

Wicks, S. G., Mohammadi, S., Wood, N. R., & Hales, A. H. (in press). Social ostracism as an existential threat. In K. E. Vail, D. R. Van Tongeren, R. J. Schegel, J. Greenberg, L. A. King, & R. M. Ryan (Eds.). Handbook of the science of existential psychology.

Contact Sydney

Department of Psychology; University of Mississippi

Oxford, MS 38655​

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Contact Sydney

Department of Psychology; University of Mississippi

Oxford, MS 38655​

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©2022 by Sydney Wicks.

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